Tears of Silence

Tears of silence You make me wet every time One drop every second Slowly and slowly Echoing through the years Pulsing beat by beat Struming along with the river flow Tears of silence You make me want to scream

Patterned Lines

There is a word that makes us utter platitudes A word that only allows accommodation of banal ideas With it as our armour, only triviality survives With it we get stuck in a pattern to write the clichés of our lives     For the Daily Prompt: https://dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/pattern/

discriminating food?

Festivities are amidst in India these days with the festival of Navratri being celebrated for 9 consecutive days and ending with Dussehra being the grand finally on the 10th day. Though I do not live in India, I do see the energy, excitement, and colourfulness in photos posted on social media. People getting together to … More discriminating food?

Truth or Dare?

Not me. Not me. Not me. She prayed. She watched the bottle fastidiously as it made its rounds like a clock on fast forward. What will they ask me or what would I have to do? The fear running through her like adrenaline kept her on high alert as if ready for battle. Every time … More Truth or Dare?